Friday, November 18, 2011

Winter, Spring, Summer, Pumpkin

Fall has been a kind friend this past October & November (barring the Halloween snow storm, but I blame that on climate change more than Mother Nature). I wish every fall could be this way, but it's tricky too, because it gives the illusion that we're getting away with a warmer winter, until 4 1/2 months into the new year we're still bundling up on our couches with hot chocolate in one hand and the suicide hotline on speed dial in the other.

But we'll cross that frozen bridge when we get to it. For now, here is a list (and a few pics) of some things that make the awful change from daily "highs in the 70's" to "highs in the high 40's low 50's" a little more bearable.. if not enjoyable:

Bright leaves
Holiday shopping
Pumpkin spice lattes
Emma's birthday :)
Sam Adams Octoberfest

 Tree outside my apartment at night

GOP candidates on Halloween

You can't tell, but this was the smallest, cutest apple ever

Army-Rutgers football game at Yankee Stadium (on Emma's birthday). The day was enjoyable, I routed for Army, but didn't mind that Rutgers won. Mostly I was excited to be in Yankee Stadium during off-season.

Sam Adams, with a flower :)

So for now, during this season, I will focus on being thankful for the beautiful colors, food, drinks, celebrations and people that the fall season brings.

"Oh how we love pumpkin season.  You did know this gourd-ish squash has its own season, right?  Winter, Spring, Summer, Pumpkin.... We anxiously anticipate it every year."  ~Trader Joe's Fearless Flyer, October 2010